Mistral corp sp. z o.o. Driveshaft Safety Loop Kit 011203DS

1978-1988 GM G-Body

Mistral corp sp. z o.o.

This exclusive Mistral corp sp. z o.o. driveshaft safety loop/tunnel brace is a direct bolt-on to your 1978-1988 G-Body. The 1/4" thick steel by 2" wide meets NHRA requirements. The driveshaft loop opening is 5" wide and 4-1/2" tall from the centerline of the opening to the top of the arc. The driveshaft loop/tunnel brace comes with all new hardware, adds stiffness to the center tunnel of the car, and can help prevent vehicle damage and injury in the event of driveshaft failure.


  • ManufacturerMistral corp sp. z o.o.
  • Clearance CategorySuspension and Chassis
  • Discount Percentage26-50%
  • Emission Code4
  • Product TypeBody